Born in a Daoist healer family, Lingrong Liang was initiated into the methods and philosophy of life of Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM as a child. Later she deepened her knowledge and studied conventional medicine with a focus on gynecology and Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM at the Lu-Chow Medicine University in Sichuan and practiced as a doctor with a focus on Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM and gynecology.
In 1993 she successfully demonstrated the effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM on severe depression at the University of Mainz and is leading a research series on this topic.
In 1995, after graduating from International Qigong University Emei, Sichuan, she was appointed professor by President Wei Ling Yi and has been teaching Qigong medicine since then.
She has been practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM in Berlin since 1996 and is the founder of LIATCM. LIATCM is an institution recognized by the Berlin Chamber of Physicians with the aim of imparting further training in Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM, acupuncture and phytotherapy to doctors and alternative practitioners.
Lingrong Liang specializes in treatments for difficult-to-cure diseases.
Many years of experience with patients, well-founded knowledge in modern and traditional medicine and her daily practice in Qigong combine them to effective (self) healing methods with the aim of leading people into health independence.
Their motto: “Become your own doctor” – “Become your own doctor”.